Urban Legends

Bloody Marry Perhaps the most famous modern myth, this tale suggests that if you are to look in the mirror and say “Bloody Mary” a specified number of times, something will happen. It’s the what that legend disagrees on. In the earliest versions, an unmarried woman would see the face of her future husband in…

What are vampires and why are they so fascinating?

Vampires of Europe In 2006, archaeologists unearthed a 16th-century skull in Venice, Italy, that had been buried among plague victims with a brick in its mouth. The brick was likely a burial tactic to prevent strega — Italian vampires or witches — from leaving the grave to eat people. Not all vampires were thought to…

A Haunted Forest

The Hoia Baciu Forest is located near the city of Cluj-Napoca, in the Transylvania region of Romania. It covers an area of about 3 square kilometers (1 square mile) and is known as one of the most haunted and mysterious places in the world. Some even call it the “Bermuda Triangle of Romania” because of…

A Mysterious Case of Reincarnation?

Reincarnation is the belief that the soul or spirit of a person can be reborn in a new body after death. While many religions and cultures around the world accept this concept, it is often met with skepticism and doubt by others. However, there are some cases that seem to challenge the conventional understanding of…

The Woolpit Mystery

One of the most intriguing legends of medieval England is the story of the green children of Woolpit, a village in Suffolk. According to two chroniclers from the 12th century, Ralph of Coggeshall and William of Newburgh, two children with green skin and strange clothing appeared near a wolf pit in the village, speaking an…

The Mystery of Bella in the Wych Elm

A Cold Case That Haunts Britain! In April 1943, four teenage boys were looking for birds’ nests in Hagley Wood, a private estate in Worcestershire, England, when they stumbled upon a gruesome discovery: a human skull hidden inside a hollow wych elm tree. The skull belonged to a woman who had been stuffed into the…

Who is Lilith?

Lilith is a figure who appears in various forms of Jewish and Mesopotamian mythology, often associated with night, demons, and sexuality. She is sometimes considered to be the first wife of Adam, the first human in the biblical account of creation, who left him after refusing to submit to his authority. She is also depicted…

Haunted Places

Fremantle Roundhouse The Fremantle Roundhouse is the oldest building in Western Australia. Opened in 1831  it was used until 1886 to hold any person convicted of a crime in settlement. A 15 year-old boy, John Gavin,  was placed on a farm near Pinjarra – and when the head farmer’s son was found murdered, John was incarcerated at…

Power Of Magic

Cases of ‘supernormal’ powers and ‘magic’ of all kinds have been reported throughout history, almost until religion was invented and these topics were ushered into the realm of the ‘demonic.’ A book recently published by the Chief Scientist at the Institute of Noetic Sciences, Dean Radin, entitled “Real Magic” The main premise is the idea that a hidden power…

Time Travel

“One of the supreme mysteries of nature… is the ability, according to the quantum mechanic laws that govern subatomic affairs, of a particle like an electron to exist in a murky state of possibility — to be anywhere, everywhere or nowhere at all — until clicked into substantiality by a laboratory detector or an eyeball.”…

The Jersey Devil

The creature has a horse-like face with horns sprouting from the top of its head. It walks on two legs, ending with cloven hooves. The overall body shape resembles a kangaroo, though it also has wings like a bat. Some say it has a tail like a lizard; others say it has no tail at…

Mind Control

Control The Mind If you follow fashion, you want the latest clothes. If you watch mainstream news, your world is fear and celebrities. If you’re an activist, your world is full of problems that you must fight. We are all influenced in diverse ways, but the majority of people have significant exposure to “mainstream” culture….

The Unlucky Mummy

Was the sinking of Titanic the wonder, a spell of bad luck, poor workmanship, a sleepy captain? Or does the truth lie in a Titanic conspiracy theory? When the most tragic events occur in our lives, we do our best to make sense of them. We might blame God, bad luck, our secret desires, fate,…

Akashic Records

Akashic Records The Akashic Records, is a giant filing cabinet of information. Some people think of the Akashic Records as a library, or a book. Some think of it as a database, according to the Records themselves, they are another dimension called the Akasha. The Akasha is a higher dimension than the dimension we live…

Past Lives

past lives proof Dr. Ian Stevenson was a well-respected psychologist and was the chair of the department of psychology at the University of Virginia. He was given a million-dollar grant to fund research into paranormal psychology, or parapsychology, with the intention of disproving the concept of reincarnation. Ryan Hammons was 5 years old, he began telling…

Haunted Stories

The Flying Dutchman The Flying Dutchman, is a seventeenth-century merchant ship said to haunt the high seas. the ship, which often appears as a hazy image or a strange light, is said to be a portent of bad luck and doom. The ship and its crew became eternally cursed when its Dutch captain refused to…

Inner Power

Intuition defined as “into the soul” is a natural gift we are all born with. It’s an inner guide, gut feeling, or sixth sense. It interacts with us on a daily basis with every experience from making a major life decision to deciding what product is better to purchase. Have you walked into a bookstore…

The Ghouls

Tales of the ghoul circulated throughout the Middle East long before the seventh-century spread of Islam through the region. In fact, the Arabic ghul may stem from gallu, the name of an Akkadian demon in ancient Mesopotamian mythology. In the original Arabic texts, the ghouls of “The Thousand and One Nights” were vile tricksters and ravenous flesh eaters. They kidnapped…

Happy Halloween

Halloween Halloween draws from a number of festive fall holidays throughout the millennia.  It originally came from the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain. Later, in the eighth century, Catholic Pope Gregory III decided to call November 1st All Saints Day. Over time, the two disparate holidays began to coalesce and the foundations of Halloween began…

A Journey Through the Legends of the World

The Kraken According to Scandinavian mythology, the Kraken is a legendary sea monster of gigantic proportions said to dwell off the coasts of Norway and Greenland. The Kraken is usually described as a giant squid or octopus-like creature, but it has also been described as crab-like. There are various tales of the Kraken attacking and…

What is Demonology and Why Does It Matter?

Demonology In ancient Babylon, demonology had an influence on even the most mundane elements of life, from petty annoyances to the emotions of love and hatred. The numerous demonic spirits were given charge over various parts of the human body, one for the head, one for the neck, and so on. Greek philosophers such as Porphyry, who…

The Shadow People

The explanation we get from skeptics and mainstream science—and who are usually people who have never experienced the shadow people phenomenon—is that it is nothing more than the active human imagination. It’s our minds playing tricks on us, our eyes seeing things in a fraction of a second that isn’t really there—illusions. Real shadows caused…


Paranormal activity, demonic presences, bone-chilling screams, and so much more are said to permeate the grounds of these haunted places around the world. Some of these sites have long histories of hauntings and others have shorter ones, but the varied stories behind these ghost-filled halls remain bone-chilling either way. After learning the full tales of…

Stella Lansing The beginning of the mystery

Stella Lansing was a middle-aged housewife from Massachusetts  who in 1961 began experiencing strange, and otherworldly events that over time led her down a bizarre path of UFOs, Strange humanoid creatures, Men In Black, and visions of other worlds. Most of which she managed to capture on different types of film. It all began in…

Hell Hound

The Bearer of Death is a term used in describing the Hellhound. Hellhounds have been said to be as black as coal and smell of burning brimstone. They tend to leave behind a burned area wherever they go. Their eyes are a deep, bright, and almost glowing red. They have razor sharp teeth, super strength,…

The Legend of the Pharaohs’ Curse

The Curse According to legend, the curse of the pharaohs will be cast on whoever disturbs the mummy or tomb of an ancient Egyptian. The curse doesn’t care if you’re a serious-minded archaeologist or an opportunistic thief – and the spell is especially powerful if the mummy happens to be a pharaoh. Over the years,…

Books That’s Are Cursed

The Orphans Story A Peruvian academic by the name of Belinda Palacios rediscovered the manuscript hidden deep in the archives of the Hispanic Society of America in 1965. When she began working on the book, colleagues warned her of the curse that was said to linger in the pages of the ancient script. While she…

The Haunted Sea

Ghost Ships Dead Love An interesting story of love, jealousy and rage complements the tale of this haunted ship. In 1748, the day before the Valentine’s Day, it was set assail as a celebration of the ship’s captain’s wedding. Nevertheless, his friend, who was too in love with her, out of vengeance, steered the ship…

Gnomes The Ancient and Benevolent Earth Dwellers

Gnomes “The forces of nature are often classified according to one of four kinds of expression – earth, water, air, and fire. Operating at the most primal level with these expressions of force in the natural world are beings called elementals. Those working with the force of earth in the natural world are called gnomes…”…

The Curse of the Blair Witch

The Devils Hand 1785 a small town called Blair, in Maryland. A witch called Elly Kedward  was banished from the town. This was due to her us of dark witchcraft to mesmerize children so she could draw their innocent blood, infuser with pure sanguine energies, for her nefarious unholy rituals! Most of the children were severely weakened,…

Cursed Grown

Cursed Curse, is any expressed wish that some form of adversity or misfortune will befall or attach to some other entity: one or more persons, a place, or an object. In particular, “curse” may refer to such a wish or pronouncement made effective by a supernatural or spiritualpower, such as a god or gods, a spirit, or a natural force, or else as a kind of spell by magic or witchcraft; in…

The Different Types of Spirit Guides

Spiritual Guides Your main spirit guide is a being who is with you from the time you are born until the time you die. Your main spirit guide never leaves your side. You will have other spirit guides in your life also that show up in times of need and when you are going through…

The Secrets of Astral Travel

OUT OF BODY EXPERIENCES The OBE can be intentional or involuntary, as with near-death events when people report finding themselves floating near the ceiling of their hospital rooms, perhaps observing medical staff attempting to revive them. Trauma, illness, or water and food deprivation, as with Native American vision quests, can trigger OBEs. Lucid dream states are opportunities…

Children of the night

Black Eyed Kids The unsettling black-eyed kids phenomenon is described as children and teens who have jet black eyes without any sclera (white), iris, or pupil. They usually have pale skin or a death pallor. They may be wearing normal clothes or white nightgowns. Theyr black-eyed kids (BEK) usually appear at night. They may knock on doors…

The Myth and Mystery of the Werewolf

Werewolf Lore Werewolf is a mythological animal and the subject of many stories throughout the world Werewolves are, according to some legends, people who morph into vicious, powerful wolves. Others are a mutant combination of human and wolf. But all are bloodthirsty beasts who cannot control their lust for killing people and animals. Some legends maintain…


Stigmata. The stigmata is the spontaneous appearance of the wound marks of our crucified Lord on a person’s body.  These marks include the nail wounds at the feet and the hands, the lance wound at the side, the head wounds from the crown of thorns, and the scourge marks over the entire body, particularly the…

Men In Black

The Men In Black The Men in Black always appear unannounced, are usually clad in black business suits, and warn people to give up their research into UFOs or face dire consequences. In many cases, the Men in Black have also seen aliens—in some accounts, they are aliens themselves or some form of “demonic supernaturals.”…


Wicca History. Wicca is a modern-day, nature-based pagan religion. Though rituals and practices vary among people who identify as Wiccan, most observations include the festival celebrations of solstices and equinoxes, the honoring of a male god and a female goddess, and the incorporation of herbalism and other natural objects into rituals. Wiccans practice their religion…

Old Ghost Tales

Chained man in ancient Athens Roman senator Pliny the Younger, who died in A.D. 113, told a ghost tale so haunting that it survives to this day. “There was at Athens a large and roomy house, which had a bad name, so that no one could live there. In the dead of the night, a…

Corrupt Souls

Sumerian Vampire tukkū Lemnūtu tablet 5  Apart from these seven, there was also Lamashtu, there is some suggestion that she was the Mother of these vampires, in her own right she was terrible; -x šar-ka i-ka-al ” …she [Lamashtu] drinks blood”-us.ku.ku.mes suh.nu.tum.mu.mes : akil da-mi la mupparkuti sunu “they (the demons) are incessant drinkers of blood”su bi.in.ku.ku.mes mud…

To Death And Back

For a soul to inhabit the afterlife, some kind of energy transference occurs where the physical form is shed at death and yet the energy form continues on. Quantum physics is coming closer to explaining this process so that what was once considered spiritual can be regarded as reality. Extensively researched in the 1930s by…

The Haunted Ghost

Since ancient times, ghost stories and tales of spirits who return from the dead to haunt the places they left behind have figured prominently in the folklore of many cultures around the world.  The concept of a ghost, also known as a specter, is based on the ancient idea that a person’s spirit exists separately…